I refer to the
news in SUN of 3-12-1977, which describes the under-ground
samadhi of
Swami Satyamurti.
Though he was to be under-ground for 10 days from 5 pm, 19-10-1977 to 5 pm,
29-10-197the evening of 27-10-1977, two days ahead of the schedule and his
explanation was that light gave way to darkness. It was said in the news report
that came to a wrong conclusion that suspension of breathing may be the answer
to longevity and the ultimate conquest of his heart movement and body
temperature were kept under observation and it was noted that the yogi's heart
stopped beating and minimum body temperature came down from 37 to 26C. From 10
am on October 21st i.e. after 7,he came out on 41 hours of the under ground samadhi. As he was not in a glass cabin, the experiment was not a fraud-proof
one, as it could not be verified whether the swami was meddling with the
instruments. The yogic experts claimed that the swami merely controlled his
heart impulses from his brain. Dhirendra Brahmachari death!
On October
20th, 1980, Pilot Baba held a religious tamasha of underground samadhi by
Khareshwari Baba for 10 days, along with a conference on Vedanta and Ramayana to
be followed by a "Panchkundi" Gayatri mahayajna. Lakhs of rupees were collected
by Pilot Baba for this. Khareshwari Baba was lowered into a pit of 10 feet deep
and 3.5 feet square which could contain only 122.5 cubic feet of air, less the
swami's body. On the 10th day, when the pit was opened, the body of the baba had
decomposed as he had died of dehydration, as the maximum time he could have
survived in the pit was less than 24 hours unless Pilot Baba had arranged fresh
air supply by some method into the pit. |
Satyamurti, on 1981, April 15th, again went into underground samadhi in a pit of
15 feet x 8 feet x 8 feet. which would hold 960 cubic feet of air less the
volume of the body of the swami when he enters the pit. This time he was
intelligent enough to carry a pot of water, so that he did not die of
dehydration. On normal condition the maximum he could remain in the pit was only
7 days. As he did not deduct the volume of his body from the total volume of the
pit, here also he had to come out of the pit 3 hours earlier.
To Mr. Kapil
Adwaitya Alias Mahayogi Pilot Baba,
President, of
World Peace Campaign,
(Akhil Vishwa
Shanti Sansthan),
Regd. No.12921
International Institute of Yoga and Peace,
Paschimvihar, New Delhi - 110 063.
Dear Kapila
Adwaitya, alias Pilot Baba 15-4-1988
I am giving
these newspaper reports in the end of this latter. You know very well that you
murdered Khareshwari Baba in 1980 by forcebly lowering him in the underground
pit when he was a deaf, dumb and blind person. I do not know whether you had
arranged fresh air supply clandestinely, but it was not fool-proof and also may
be, you did not know that there ought to have been an exhaust also, when only
fresh air can get filled in the pit dispersing out equal quantity of
contaminated air in the pit. Moreover, you did not know the body science that
the maximum a person can survive without water is only 5 days, as dehydration
will take place. You know Vinobaji died on the 5th day after he stopped taking
water. The death of Khareshwari Baba was a brutal murder by you with the
connivance of the government officials and the organisers of your show.
After reading
about your underground samadhi for 72 hours from 11th to 14th February 1988, in
the news papers, in a pit of 9' x 9' x 9', i.e. 729 cubic feet, wherein you
could have easily stayed for 7 days (less volume of your body I am happy that
you took precaution of remaining in the pit only for half the time), I
demonstrated this under-ground samadhi in West Bengal in March, 1988, where I
had given more than 50 lectures on Science and Miracles, at the Universities,
Colleges and public places. We had made a pit of 6' x 3' x 3', i.e. 54 cubic
feet, less the volume of the body of the person, wherein that person could have
stayed for 6 hours, he remained in the pit for 3 hours only. We demostrated this
trick the same way you do. First the pulse was checked, and then stopped. Then
the person was made to sleep and he became stiff like a dead body. The body in
this stiff condition was carried by three persons to the pit and lowered, and
after closing the pit with a wooden plank or a metal sheet, the top was closed
with earth. He remained underground for a period of 3 hours. Then the pit was
opened and the body taken out in the same stiff condition and doctors were asked
to feel his pulse and they certified that there was no pulse. Then, to revive
him, his body and heart was massaged and the whole audience were in suspense,
wondering whether the person was dead and whether he could be revived to life,
when he jumps up with a loud shriek and explains that it was all a drama and
In your press
conference at Nagpur on 8-2-1988, you had claimed the following:
spiritual powers can solve the myriad problems faced by humanity.
That one can
attain this power through sadhana.
That during
samadhi, you can either keep your consciousness within or without your body.
That you can
control your heart beats and pulses and for that matter any function of your
That you have
received gallantry awards for your service in IAF.
That on
13-2-1988, your disciple Swami Sadhanand issued a press note that you have
accepted the challenge of living in an air tight glass cabin for specific
period. That this was already done in Delhi, Ranchi and Lucknow.
The Indian
post of 15-2-1988 has mentioned that earlier in a press conference you had
claimed that you can stop your heart, walk on water and take samadhi in a
raging fire.
You also told
the reporters that you were a science student and former army man and would
not run away from any challenge.
In the press
release by your organisers, you had informed that when you go into samadhi,
you suspend all functions of your body and mind, and establish yourself in
your real being i.e, soul. That one can prolong the duration of samadhi
through sadhana. Because of this state, it does not matter if the samadhi is
taken underground or in water or in a glass cabin.
Your above
claims bring forward the following questions:
When you are
in samadhi, you suspend all your body functions, your heart stops working, the
blood flow stops, the brain stops working and you are dead as per the medical
science except that you are in your real being ie. soul, and you keep your
consciousness within or without your body. If this is true, then when you were
in underground samadhi, you had suspended all your body functions including
heart beat, blood flow and the brain for 72 hours. Then why did you want a pit
of 9' x 9' x 9' to go into underground samadhi?
You could have very well gone into underground samadhi in a coffin of the same
size as your body, lowered in a pit and then filled with earth and sealed. You
have confirmed this in the press release that it does not matter if the
samadhi is taken underground or in water or in an air tight glass cabin. Now
do you agree to prove this?
Can you
explain what all myriad problems facing humanity can be solved by spiritual
When you
claim that one could attain spiritual powers through sadhana, is this
statement made after your own experience? As you have claimed to have done
sadhana for 7 years in Pindari glaciers and you sustained only on milk for
that period, please explain how much milk you were consuming daily and whether
you are still on the same diet. Did you not drink water? If your diet is
different now, then what is your present diet and the quantity?
If you have
attained spiritual powers, please explain the spiritual powers you have
attained by your 7 years of sadhana. Are they the 64 minor siddhis and 8
special siddhis as explained in Patanjali Yoga Darshana which a person
acquires when his Kundalini Shakti starts rising? Or anything more?
You have
claimed that you are an enlightened person having gone into samadhi. Being an
enlightened person, you will not find it difficult to reply to the questions.
So please explain what you mean by keeping your consciousness within or
without your body.
What is the
sadhana to be practiced to attain the spiritual powers you talk about?
Which year,
and what gallantry award did you receive for your service in IAF and from
Can you prove
by records that you have already lived in an air tight glass cabin at Delhi,
Ranchi and Lucknow? Can you send me the press coverage on this?
When you are
in samadhi your heart beat stops. So when you were in underground samadhi at
Nagpur, your heart beat had stopped for 3 days. Then it would be very easy for
you to be in samadhi for 10 minutes and prove that you can stop your heart
beats for 10 minutes. Then why did you not prove this to the Andhashraddha
Nirmulan Samiti at the press conference or when you came out of the
underground samadhi?
In your
conference you had claimed that you can control any function of your body. Can
you control the formation of urine in the urinary bladder when you are in
You also
claimed ability to walk over water and go into samadhi in a raging fire by
spiritual powers. I would be very happy to observe these feats if you will
permit me to do so even at Delhi and fix up a date and time and give me 30 days
time to meet you. It can be in May 1988. And if you can prove them to me by
stopping your breath for 10 minutes, heart beat for 10 minutes, going
underground samadhi in an air tight glass chamber of the size of your body for 3
days, and go into Jala samadhi (samadhi under water), walk over water, be in
samadhi in a raging fire, and show that you have spiritual powers to stop all
functions of your body, I have no hesitation to become your follower as wanted
by you in the press conference. I hope to hear from you within a month of
receipt of this letter, or we will be forced to take action against you under
the MRTP Act and Magical Remedies Act.
Yours in Search
of miracles,
B. Premanand.